Monday 21 January 2013

Gold For Sale

The Seller STELLA MARIS SARL TOGO, represented by Mr. Koffi Essohana a legal age citizen of Lome-Togo Republique. Hereinafter referred to as Seller’’, has reference to the following facts:


WHEREAS, the Buyer desires to buy from the Seller certain material hereinafter specified, and WHEREAS, the Seller is willing to sell to the Buyer such material, Now, THEREFORE, in consideration of the undertakings of the parties herein contained, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows:        


In accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Seller shall sell and deliver to the Buyer and the Buyer shall buy and take delivery from the Seller of certain material (hereinafter called the “Material”) on the terms and conditions described in Article 2 hereof.


(1) Material :   Gold Dust 
(2) Fineness and Specification : 92.6% fineness :22+Karat
(3) Origin  : Burkina Faso
(4) Quantity :300kg and  subsequent shipment 250 Kilograms will shipped after successful transaction of the 300 kilograms
(5) Documents : The Seller will send all the relevant documents to the Buyer as follows:
               - Commercial invoice made out to the Buyer
               - Certificate of ownership transferred into the Buyer
               - Certificate of Non Criminal and Non Terrorist origin
               - Certificate of assay report
               -  Certification of Origin
               -  Movement Certificate
                  Export Permit
(6) Shipment by : Air
(7) Price Term: US$ 30.000:00 per kilogram for the first shipment of 300 Kilograms However the price of US$ 30.000USD  will apply for second shipment of 250 kilograms
(8) Shipping Port: Togo   Airport  Lome
(9) Destination………………………..

This Agreement shall commence on the day of payment of  6.5% of the total cost of the product to Seller Shipper  to facilitate the shipment.

(1) The Material will be melted and assayed at the following Refinery:
(2) Assay Report
The Assay Report to be provided by the Refinery will be final and will be accepted by the Buyer and the Seller.

(1) Price shall be US$ 30.000.00 per kilogram
(2) Total amount of the Material will be based on the Final Quantity stated on Assay Report of the refinery. 

If you are interested in purchasing this material please contact,

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