Friday 3 December 2010

Gluten Free Insight

Good day to you, I have been busy today preparing to receive my family for a celebration meal tomorrow.  As I have been working around the house I have had some thoughts about what I wanted to share with you today.
Recently, I discovered that I was wheat and gluten intolerant and therefore had to find out about new sources of making cakes and biscuits as I do enjoy a nice cake, I have discovered a really lovely ginger cake which Mrs Crimbles supplies to most supermakets I can highly recommend that and also the company does a variety of other nice sweet biscuits that I like too.

I even had a go at making bread and cakes myself but found it very different I found that the texture I was getting did not seem to match what I was looking at, ah well I am sure there must be reason for it not turning out right but at least I have some books which I purchased from Amazon gave me some tips on what I was doing wrong and also some great recipes’.  Amazon has a huge range of Gluten Free books which I would highly recommend you have a look through.
I have quite a lot of interesting food sites which I am recommending to people.   The foods range from Kosher to normal cooking products so if you are interested in eating the best for yourself and your family then look at my Gluten Free Shopping  There are many more sites that I am promoting on my website.